Wynter Oshiberu https://woshiberu.com/

T: You don't care enough that's why you don't have a blog. C: No, I just don't have any extra time! T: You're not doing anything just wandering in the woods. C: Well, I don't want to spend my down time doing anything. From that moment forward, I couldn't get the pestering thought out of my mind. Why had I stopped writing? It was my passion, my joy, my form of expression, it was never a burden. I had simply forgotten the feeling of creating and learned to live without it. I was moving through life, checking off boxes and going through the motions. Fulfilling every obligation and ignoring everything else. So, this is day one of many of Wanderland reflections/blog/journal or creations as I return home from the place that I instantly welcomed as home away from home. The question I keep returning to is why did I fall in love with this country. So, I close my eyes and replay the highlights of my time there. And I remember feeling at peace, a sense of freedom, the warmth of the sun, the familiarity of mountain peaks and the crisp chill in the air. Learning new words as I passed a sign and listening to a store clerk repeat a sentence 2 times …agau sin ? and the constant sound of and chatter which often faded into background noise this was my routine. Waking up with the sense that a mini awaited me as I you ind my way on the metro, trying to remember how to say “how much does this cost”, and finding out about a few new blocks seeing if I could transmit a bit more or recognize one or two more words. Santiago was special because I truly had moments where I wandered, finded and learned quietly and confidently. I loved every magical moment. Chao Chao Chile until next time mi amor….

Wynter Oshiberu has had a deep curiosity for languages and cultures from a very young age, and as she grew older her curiosity has blossomed into an appreciation for the mutual interests that individuals from various backgrounds share.These interests developed into her passions, thus, she has worked with researchers, academics and thought leaders on various topics pertaining to the well-being and advancement of marginalized communities. She is most passionate about promoting and ensuring quality education for women and girls, especially in lower socio-economic settings and post conflict regions. As an avid and education enthusiast, she has continued to augment her language skills and believes that technology will play a role in the amelioration of many social and global issues. She believes that your unique story is your strength so share it. Say hello at woshiberu.com