It's no surprise that American moms and dads are busier than ever before, from juggling work, to managing tasks at home, to facilitating school activities with their kids. Regrettably, these demands tend to have parents making quick microwave meals or picking up fast food items for their kids, since cooking well balanced meals at home is one of the first things to slip through the cracks when things get hectic.

Of course, the lack of nutritionally dense meals are impacting children of all ages. The National Survey of Children's shows that in 2020-2021, 17.0% of youth ages 10 to 17 had obesity. And, in 2020 38.9 million children under 5 were considered to have a low height for their age due to malnutrition in their everyday diets.

While this issue of busy lifestyles may not be going anywhere soon, there are some healthy options that parents can incorporate into their daily food strategies that are quick and easy, while giving their children the boost of nutrition they need each day for health and well-being.

Co-Founders of TruHeight, Justin Rapoport and Eden Stelmach, a that teamed up with some highly trained nutritionist and medical experts to create an all natural holistic solution to helping kids address 5 critical health and wellness factors (nutrition, hormones, sleep, stress and immunity). They address all 5 of these factors in a simple solution providing children with a 100 percent all natural and effective mix of vitamins, minerals and protein that all work synergistically to support effective growth.

Their product is backed by a pediatrician, and a clinical study packed with data and results. And, they have numerous case studies from parents and youth touting the positive effects they saw on their bodies when taking their products. It's fast, simple and effective for the on-the-go household.

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