Tag: soul into light

What is Ascension: Spiritual Ascension Stages Understanding ...

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19 signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening | Times of India

Unveiled: A Journey Through Spiritual Awakening


In the digital age, we are inundated with an unprecedented amount of information, offering us a wealth of opportunities for personal growth. Amidst this wealth, one subject that often leaves us perplexed is spiritual ascension. The multitude of interpretations and definitions only adds to the confusion. However, this article aims to shed light on this multi-layered concept, breaking it down into comprehensible categories.

Demystifying Spiritual Ascension

Spiritual Ascension Defined

Spiritual ascension, also known as spiritual awakening, is a natural process of evolution. It involves shedding the old self and experiencing a profound inner rebirth. Many describe it as being “upgraded,” “rebooted,” or elevated in vibrational frequency. These terms all point to a common theme – an inner evolution that transcends old limiting habits, beliefs, and mindsets.

However, don't be deceived by the picturesque notions of angels and unicorns; spiritual ascension often accompanies severe shifts, leading to what's known as the “Dark Night of the Soul.”

Five Types of Spiritual Ascension

Spiritual ascension is a recurring theme in spiritual discourse, yet it can be viewed from various angles. To help clarify this complex topic, we can categorize it into the following five types:

1. Awakening of the Mind

This form of ascension occurs when you have a significant epiphany or sudden mental realization. It doesn't necessarily translate to a... Read More