Tag: website video

Reasons Why Webflow is the Ultimate Website Builder

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Reasons Why Webflow is the Ultimate Website Builder

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Back in the day, (let's just say, up until relatively recently) when somebody wanted to build a website they either needed to hire a professional or have enough knowledge to do it all by themselves. 

Luckily, things have significantly changed in the meantime. Nowadays, there are different web design platforms that enable people (even those who are inexperienced) to build amazing sites without coding.

One of those platforms is Webflow and it has become very popular among both more and less seasoned web designers. If you would like to know what makes it so high in demand and how it could benefit you, then just take a look at this detailed guide below.


A Phenomenal Speed 


In case you didn't know, this website builder employs a content delivery network (known as CDN) that makes sure that every page loads extremely fast and that it doesn't depend on the consumer's location.

In addition, it enables you to get access to some of the best hosting out there, which can be of huge benefit to you and your Read More

The Magic of Personalized Video Production (with Examples)

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Lights, Camera, Personalized Action: Unveiling the Magic of Personalized Video Production and Why Start Motion Media is the Leading Expert

Introduction: Lights, camera, action! The world of video production has taken a revolutionary turn with the advent of personalized videos. Imagine receiving a video tailor-made just for you, containing elements that resonate with your unique interests, preferences, and even name! In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the wonders of and explore the top companies in the industry, with a special spotlight on Production Company, the unrivaled leader in this domain.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Personalized Video Production?
  2. The Power of Personalization in Video Marketing
  3. Top Personalized Video Companies Near You
  4. Start Motion Media: Pioneering Personalized Video Production
  5. Why Start Motion Media Stands Above the Rest
  6. Making Your Mark with Personalized Videos
  7. Ready for Your Close-Up? Get Started with Start Motion Media Today!

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1. What is Personalized Video Production?

Imagine a video that addresses you by name, showcases products that match your interests, and speaks directly to your needs – that's the magic of personalized video production. It's a cutting-edge approach that tailors video content for specific individuals or targeted audiences, ensuring a deeply engaging and... Read More

Your Vision Comes To Life: Personalized Video Production

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Looking for a Personalized Video? Our creative services agency can help you create a custom video tailored to your specific needs.

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Personalized Video 












A Personalized Video has two main advantages:  1. It allows us to include 1-to-1 relevant information directed to specific audiences, which improves engagement significantly, increases the view-rate and hence, the conversion rates or achieving the video goals as well (understand a message correctly, learn about a product, buy the product, or service, etc.)  2. These videos are created 100% automatically. Using a database or form as input, Wideo's Video Personalization Solution takes a video template to create automatically -and in a few seconds- videos with variable information. This is how you can create huge amounts of personalized videos (we are talking about hundreds or even thousands) for different segmented audiences or even videos with singular content for each person in particular.


A Personalized video can contain 3 kinds of variables: texts, images, and/or colors. When creating a personalized video, it's key to include the person or 's... Read More

Unlock your Potential, tips for Website Video

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4 Approaches to Website Video.

Looking for a Website Video to draw visitors to your site? Our creative services agency can create a memorable video to capture their attention.


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Web video productions now generate more than 80% of all Internet traffic. For a , a web video is an information, communication or marketing tool. They can feature custom filmed , stock footage, animations, voice-overs, and music. Since website video productions can be viewed by a wider audience, the following should be considered. With over 80% of all internet traffic now in the form of video, your web video production is the most important way to represent your business online. Like any video production, you'll follow a linear flow from pre-production to post-production: you define your target audience, key messages and tone. To achieve a cinematic look in your web video production, consider the following:. Be sure to indicate... Read More