Tag: Branding

A lady goes west

A Lady Goes West | SF Agency Reviews

Introducing Ashley: A Journey from “A Lady Goes West” to @Ashley.Pitt The line between personal identity and public persona is increasingly blurred in social media.…
Berkeley Extension

Berkeley Extension | SF Agency Reviews

Understanding Art and Design at UC Berkeley Extension UC Berkeley Extension has long been a beacon of excellence in professional development, providing students with a…

Tips for Creating a Successful Commercial

Tips for Creating a Successful Commercial The art of creating compelling commercials has evolved dramatically with digital media's rise. While traditional platforms like television remain…

`What to Consider While Formulating CSR Strategies`

Our review of https://evolvedash.com/blog/corporate-social-responsibility-brand-building/ TL;DR In the hyper-ahead-of-the-crowd Business climate of 2024, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays an key role in constructing Brand Reputation, customer…

TL;DR: The Unforeseen Heroes of Marketing – Micro-Infl...

Our review of https://www.martechexec.com/marketing-strategies/marketing-for-influencers TL;DR: The Unforeseen Heroes of Marketing – Micro-Influencers Deciding firmly upon the surprising wave of micro-influencers who, despite smaller followings, are…
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TL;DR (Too Long, Didn’t Read)

Our review of https://www.healthline.com/health/tattoo-aftercare TL;DR (Too Long, Didn't Read) Welcome to our covering and investigative report on Tattoo Aftercare! Here we peer into tattoo aftercare…
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