Tag: Dental Care

Beyond the Brush: A Comprehensive Guide to Holistic Dental C...

Dental Care

Dental care is more than just brushing and flossing; this is a total television program aimed at improving the quality of . This is the article in which we will present to you one vast and detailed overview of progressive dental care and what happens there apart from brushing. Let us find out what components of sanitary consideration of dental as a problem means for the whole organism.

Mindful Nutrition for Oral Health:

The first requisite for holistic care of the oral cavity is thus optimal dieting. The different meals that we take also have an impact on our oral health in one way or the other. Make sure you get foods whose sources are vitamins, minerals and antioxidants naturally. Some of the foods to include in your diet that help build up the gum tissues include the following: 

  • Dark green vegetables 
  • Fruits 
  • Nuts, and the rest

Avoid as much as possible sugary or processed foods because they promote the wrong kind of bacteria that leads to tooth decay and other dental ailments.

Oil Pulling for Oral Detoxification:

Oil pulling is an ancient condition that has roots in the Ayurveda practiced today and it involves swishing a mouthful of coconut or sesame oil in your mouth for... Read More